This course is suitable for legal executive leaders, managers and HR professionals, new or experienced in recruitment. Who want to formalise their leadership skills, make an impact with the teams they hire and ensure best practice is applied. And for those wanting a more structured, interviewing process and to improve their selection skills.
Many in the legal profession have never received any formal training when it comes to recruitment of talent, even when completing leadership programs. We believe attracting, identifying and recruiting the best talent in your industry is a cornerstone to any organisations culture and success.
Furthermore, the Australian labour market is extremely tight and there are limited qualified candidates available in the market. Competition for talent is rife and retention has also become an issue. Recruitment processes are often dis-jointed, take time, require high manager hours and input, can be costly (if subsequent turnover) and potentially do not attract the right calibre of talent.
We are on a mission is to change the world of Recruitment. So, candidates get better experiences, employers better quality hires, time to hire is reduced and costs are lower. All of this is done with better candidate care, more D&I thought and considerations, plus better candidate fit to your values and culture.
With specialist Recruitment and Legal Recruitment trainers – this leadership course is ideal for anyone in senior management positions and covers strategic market insights plus some fundamentals such as Competency Based Interviewing, through to top tips on interviews structure and market positioning (EVP and brand messages) to ensure you attract and retain talent.
Selecting the best person for a job role is a critical skill for those in legal practice. Recruitment is often overlooked in HR Degrees or leadership programs. Learning to lead the recruitment conversation, truly understand the skills and competencies you are looking for, while also applying D&I considerations and recruitment best practice.
Good Hiring practices and decisions can impact the organisation’s performance and bottom line. Attracting and selecting the right job candidates is essential to business success. Partners and senior executives need to understand how to apply effective, reliable, and valid attraction, interviewing and selection techniques to ensure talent attraction plan and good recruitment decisions are made. It is also important everyone know the law and make sure recruitment practices that are free from discrimination and bias.
This course offers a strategic and informed approach to the marketplace, attraction, interviewing and selection. Pitched at a strategic level for leaders it includes:
The current market in 2024
EVP and Brand and attraction techniques
The true cost of recruitment
Increasing diversity & inclusion in recruitment
Competency Based Interviewing techniques.
Question types & in-depth probing techniques
Best practice interview structure
Preparation & competency questions for the interview session
Candidate evaluation
Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment
Unconscious bias overview
Creating new talent pools
The use of social media in Recruitment
Your Recruitment Strategy
Reference checking tips
Onboarding techniques
Insights to the current employment market in 2024
Identifying your EVP and Brand messages
What is poor recruitment costing your organisation?
EEO and the law requirements
Increasing diversity & inclusion in the workplace
Hiring for Culture and Behaviours
Competency Based Interviewing techniques.
Question types & in-depth probing techniques
Unconscious bias in recruitment
Barriers to hire?
Creating new talent pools
The use of social media in Recruitment
Live classroom-based style courses
Half day course (4 hours). 9.00am to 1.000pm can be delivered at client site.
Pre-course work on EEO and the Law and joining instructions will be sent out a week in advance.
Register via the links to our upcoming training below.
Rachel Hill – Director. See Bio.
Rachel consults to leading organisations across Australia and New Zealand.
Check out more of her work at Hill Consulting HRS.
Rachel also offers in-house courses available for TA teams and or Hiring Managers. Contact me for an initial chat.