Government Hiring Manager Recruitment Skills Course

This course is suitable for Hiring managers and junior HR professionals, in government who need to understand the principles of hiring on merit yet coupled with recruitment best practice. For those that want to attract the best in the marketplace and formalise their learning to ensure good techniques are applied.  Ideal for those government agencies wanting more consistent, structured recruitment practices, a fair and transparent processes whilst raising the standard on good hiring decisions.

Ultimately leading to better fit to roles and high performing organisations.

Courses available for inhouse delivery only on your premises and tailored for your process and procedures and values.

Course Overview

Hiring for government is different!

Many Hiring Managers have never received any formal training in Recruitment or their internal hiring process. This course is ideal for anyone undertaking recruitment for their Agency or government department and covers the basics such as Hiring on Merit, Selection Panels, Competency Based Interviewing, EEO and the law, the current marketplace, The Selection Report, government myth busting and reference checking etc.

Myth busting is key in government recruitment processes, as is unconscious bias training. Both lead to better hiring decisions and are covered on this program.

Selecting the best person for a job role is key for those in management and leading teams. Recruitment is often overlooked as a critical management skill. However, hiring managers in government are often “left’ to pick up and run recruitment on their own. Learning to write a good job description, identify the key competencies required for the role, writing good interview questions, having the ability to probing for capability; coupled with D&I considerations in recruitment – are all essential skills in the current marketplace.

Hiring on merit, good hiring practices and sound recruitment decisions can impact the organisation’s performance and service delivery. Attracting and selecting the best candidates is essential to government success. Hiring Managers in government need to understand how to apply effective, reliable, and valid attraction, interviewing and selection techniques to ensure talent attraction and good yet provide a fair and transparent recruitment process whilst good decisions are made. It is also important to know the law and that your recruitment practices are free from discrimination and bias.

This course offers a strategic and informed approach to the marketplace, attraction, interviewing and selection, and other assessment options other than the panel interview. Plus, the importance of good reference checking and onboarding etc. It includes:

  • The current market in 2024

  • EVP and Brand – Attracting good candidates

  • Debrief of pre-course reading & employment law quiz

  • Increasing diversity & inclusion in recruitment

  • Unconscious bias overview

  • Myth busting in government practices

  • Identifying the competencies required per role

  • Competency Based Interviewing techniques

  • Question types & in-depth probing techniques

  • Good interview structure. Interview dos and don’ts

  • Process of observing, classifying & taking notes

  • Interview practice and question techniques

  • Candidate evaluation

  • Different assessment methods

  • The selection report

  • Reference checking and onboarding

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge of the employment market in 2024, EVP and employer branding needs and best avenues to the marketplace.

  • Apply a systematic selection process, which includes structured interviews and probing questions of candidates to effectively address competence for the role.

  • What is behavioural based interviewing techniques and prepare appropriate questions

  • Recognise different question types in interviews (those that do and don’t work)

  • A professional interview structure and note taking

  • Principles of Hiring on Merit

  • The ability to probe and seek further evidence of competence

  • Other available assessment tools

  • Candidate evaluation and scoring

  • Myth busting in government practices

  • Unconscious bias training

  • EEO and the law impacting recruitment

  • Reference checking essentials

  • Good onboarding techniques

  • Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment

Other Course Information

Live classroom-based style courses (1 day) or virtual online courses (2 half days) available

Live one day course. 9.00am to 5.00pm at client site

Workbooks and certificates provided. Catering and rooms to be provided by client.

Pre-course work on EEO and the Law and joining instructions will be sent out a week in advance.

Registration Information

Contact us to find out when we’re holding our next


Course Trainer

Rachel Hill – Director. See Bio.

Rachel consults to leading organisations across Australia and New Zealand.

Check out more of her work at Hill Consulting HRS.

Rachel also offers in-house courses available for TA teams and or Hiring Managers. Contact me for an initial chat.

Next Available Dates

Sydney and Melbourne

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